Power Of Positive Thinking

Most of us have probably been urged, at some point in our lives, to “Think Positive!” Well, you would have just received some very good advice. That old cliche about seeing a glass as half empty or half full has important implications. Broadly speaking, positive thinking, seeing that glass as half full, is about looking at things from a positive point of view. It is a type of thinking that focuses on maintaining an optimistic attitude.

Did you know that having an upbeat outlook can be good for both your mental AND physical health? In terms of mental health, studies have shown that having a positive attitude helps people develop more resilience in the face of life’s stressful events.. Researchers believe this may be why an optimistic outlook offers physical health benefits: they avoid the harmful toll that stress can take on our bodies.

Some of the possible benefits of positive thinking are:
● Lower blood pressure
● Greater resistance to illness
● Reduced risk of heart disease
● Longer life expectancy

To develop more optimism in your attitude, surround yourself with upbeat people, practice positive self-talk, and smile more!


photo credit: bigstockphoto.com/mimagephotography

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